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Would it be possible to allow a user to rate a page?
this is now done at end of the page….. I have also included it on the rate our logo page
“All that man needs for good health and healing can be found in nature, it is the job of science to find it.” - Paracelsus, Father of Pharmacology, 1493-1541
Would it be possible to search for a herb by name, rather than having to use the Body By system
consider it done
“All that man needs for good health and healing can be found in nature, it is the job of science to find it.” - Paracelsus, Father of Pharmacology, 1493-1541
Page tags are excellent, but it's hard to see that you can navigate the wiki by clicking on the tag.
Also, tag clouds are usually set to reflect the frequency of use of a page; is that implemented in this site?
This is for you to tell us what you think of WikiHerb
“All that man needs for good health and healing can be found in nature, it is the job of science to find it.” - Paracelsus, Father of Pharmacology, 1493-1541
Wikiherb is an important resource for the herbal community, its dynamic and sharing of accurate information is the epicenter of bringing herbal medicine into the 21st century. The quick and interactive accessibility of information makes it user friendly and quick reference point for busy practitioners. I am really loving the concept, design and practicality of wikiherb.
great to be able to reduce printing of monographs, pdf's etc .. thanks to wikiherb ~)
continuous updating of information is paramount to effective herbal treatment for patients
A section on suppliers. some suppliers concentrate on loose teas or powders where bigger manufacturers concentrate on fluid extracts and tinctures. information on ethical and organic suppliers of quality herbal products and to get other herbalists experience and use of these products.
Thank you for your input and ideas Mags.
Will put it on the list of to do..
Site Administrator
“All that man needs for good health and healing can be found in nature, it is the job of science to find it.” - Paracelsus, Father of Pharmacology, 1493-1541
Wikiherb is a fantastic modern resource. I regularly refer to monographs as part of my work - I manufacture natural skin care products. This will now allow me to carry all the information I need on my laptop instead of keeping lots of reference books and paperwork in my industrial unit.
thank you Tracey, thats great to know. Your input will help us improve the site.
“All that man needs for good health and healing can be found in nature, it is the job of science to find it.” - Paracelsus, Father of Pharmacology, 1493-1541
Please tell us how to improve our pages
“All that man needs for good health and healing can be found in nature, it is the job of science to find it.” - Paracelsus, Father of Pharmacology, 1493-1541
This is a great tool for finding what you need quickly and without hassle. It's very important to find the information when you need it rather than trawl through pages using up valuable time. Wikiherb helps find this information in more than half the time with the added benefits of having up-to-date knowledge and having the experiences that other professionals have had with these herbs on the same page.
Thank you very much for your comments Karyn. This site is in its embryonic stage but we are glad that you find it useful. Thank you for taking the time to input your valuable knowledge in updating the monographs.
“All that man needs for good health and healing can be found in nature, it is the job of science to find it.” - Paracelsus, Father of Pharmacology, 1493-1541